
My Success Story

Recently I traveled to Korea to adopt my daughter. She was four years old at the time and I was confident that once I had my childcare and routine established I could go back to work as a trial attorney and continue my life.  Boy! Was I wrong.

 I left with my husband for that long international flight, blissful in my ignorance.  To make a very long and complicated story short, when we finally did take our daughter home, she came with her three sisters.  I could not bear to break up this family of lovely young women and children, so we applied, adopted and brought them home.

Instantly, I was the mother of not only a child, but of three children and a young adult.  The idea that I would walk back into my law firm was laughable.  I did however using virtual assistants and the company Motherhood Incorporated, start my own legal assistance company from home.

I am thrilled. I love my girls. I love my instant family and less than one year later I am able to contribute to my household through my work financially, emotionally and confidently.  I think I am an inspiration to my girls as they see me work right down the hall from where they are doing homework, dancing or dreaming the saturday afternoon away.

For those who want to work, this is a great opportunity for those who can’t or choose not to work in a traditional business environment.

Good luck to anyone who tries this, but in the end, it’s not luck — it’s the desire to be there are for your family!
