
Why Not We Time? By Sandra Beck, Motherhood Incorporated

 by Sandra Beck, Motherhood Incorporated

 Ah, I just opened my windows for a little unseasonably warm pre-spring air, and came to the realization that today would be a great day for a little me time with my favorite little ones.  Hmm… Did I just say me time with my kids?  I sure did, and I’m proud of it!sailboats

Me time is all the rage these days.  The media bombards us with the idea that the only way we moms will ever keep our sanity, or at least keep up the appearance of it, is to spend oodles of time pampering ourselves in one way or another.  Let’s be clear, I am in no way opposed to pampering, but I’m also a realist.  I work out of my house.  I’ve got one kid in school, and one in diapers.  I’ve got to take my me time however it comes, and frankly, I deeply enjoy relaxing with my children.  That’s why I work at home in the first place, isn’t it?

No wonder we’re all stressed out.  Not only do we have to take care of everyone that crosses our paths, but now we are supposed to have the strength and energy left over to treat ourselves like a queen at the end of the day.  Now is the time to simplify.  Everything I need to burn away the stress of the week is right here by my side.

The reality is that what matters most is not how we appear to our neighbors, or how much spoiling our money can buy us.  What does matter is that we make the most of the time we have each day.  So why not shut the computer down every now and again while they are young?  I want to spend all the time I can with them now, because someday there will be more me time than I care to think about.

So, I’ve resolved that this afternoon my me time will consist of a decidedly slow walk with two puddle-stomping toddlers, a golden retriever, and one small piece of dark chocolate.  There you have it, pure joy without the need for sitters, aromatherapy, or a wad of cash.  I’d love to say more, but I’ve got some puddles in the yard with my name on them.


The Wedding Show with Sandra Beck, Christy Holly and Rick Swanson. The Good – The Bad and The Ugly on Motherhood Talk Radio

Sandra Beck, snarkily divorced….Christy Holly, happily married….Rick Swanson, cynically single brings their insight to the good, the bad and the ugly to weddings and relationships after Sandra and Rick went two different weddings this weekend, respectively.

The trio will discuss dos/don’ts for wedding and marriages…and bring their funny stories from their own experiences along with those of their un named friends and family to the table.  Tune in today to live, laugh and love with the three silly friends as they put the personal in to personal relationships.

And, yes, Snarky is a word.  So Snarkily is the correct use of that term according to Sandra – though Rick Swanson – aka Joe Redpen …will mostly likely correct her.  Then Christy will laugh and call him a nerd.   See what you are missing? Tune in today…
Motherhood Talk Radio is powered by Motherhood Incorporated, bringing you the most powerful voice in women’s issues today and is hosted by Sandra Beck, Christy Holly and Rick Swanson.  Motherhood Talk Radio airs on every Tuesday, 3 pm pacific, 4pm mountain, 5 pm central and 6 pm eastern and can be downloaded from and

Motherhood Talk Radio Hosted by Sandra Beck, Christy Holly and Rick Swanson welcome Rosalene Glickman, PH.D. best-selling Author of Optimal Thinking

Sandra Beck, Christy Holly, Rick Swanson, Motherhood Incorporated, Motherhood Talk radio, Toginet, Itunes, Dr Rosalene Glickman, Dr. Glickman, Optimal Thinking Bloomberg TV, Fox News Channel, CBS Weekend Magazine, New York Times, Association Management Magazine, Government Executive Magazine, Inc magazine, Business Review Weekly, Australian Business Magazine, The Australian, The Age, Personal Success Magazine, Successful Selling and Managing Magazine, Woman's World Magazine, L.A. Weekly. Warner Bros., Johnson & Johnson, U.S. Army, Young Presidents' Organization, BP, California State University, Fullerton (School of Business Administration), National Australia Bank, Internal Revenue Service, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Century 21 Real Estate, The Australian Institute of Management, Mensa, and Air New Zealand, The World Academy of Personal Development Inc, AMAZON.COMThought leader, Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D. is the creator and best-selling author of Optimal Thinking, hailed by academia and the media as “the successor to positive thinking” and “the essential ingredient for best practices in personal, interpersonal, and organizational optimization.”

Dr. Glickman is President of The World Academy of Personal Development Inc., a Century City, Los Angeles training and consulting firm. She is the Director of Professional Development for The American Society for Training & Development in Los Angeles, and a distinguished expert witness in cognitive analysis and leadership optimization.

Since 1980, Rosalene has provided executive and life coaching, business consulting and training for individuals and organizations including Warner Bros., Johnson & Johnson, U.S. Army, Young Presidents’ Organization, BP, California State University, Fullerton (School of Business Administration), National Australia Bank, Internal Revenue Service, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Century 21 Real Estate, The Australian Institute of Management, Mensa, and Air New Zealand.

Dr. Glickman is the recipient of the “Woman of the Year” award for National Business Women’s Week in Hollywood. She has been nominated for special recognition by Queen Elizabeth II for Australia’s highest award, The Order of Australia.

This Optimal Thinking woman is a seasoned print and electronic media interviewee. She has been featured on Bloomberg TV, Fox News Channel, CBS Weekend Magazine, New York Times, Association Management Magazine, Government Executive Magazine, Inc magazine, Business Review Weekly, Australian Business Magazine, The Australian, The Age, Personal Success Magazine, Successful Selling and Managing Magazine, Woman’s World Magazine, L.A. Weekly.

Dr. Glickman, who was born in Australia, lives in Los Angeles. She began her career as a high school Physics and Chemistry teacher, and later became Chair of the Science Department. She has earned a Ph.D. in Psychology, a Teaching diploma and a degree in Business Administration. Check out her website at or view her book on

Motherhood Talk Radio is powered by Motherhood Incorporated, bringing you the most powerful voice in women’s issues today and is hosted by Sandra Beck, Christy Holly and Rick Swanson.  Motherhood Talk Radio airs on every Tuesday, 3 pm pacific, 4pm mountain, 5 pm central and 6 pm eastern and can be downloaded from and

Military Mom Talk Radio Welcomes Tina Nocera of Parental Wisdom – October 25, 2010

Because Kids Don't Come With Manuals, Tina Nocera,, Military Mom Talk Radio, Sandra Beck, Tina Gonzales, Robin Boyd, www.toginet.comWhen something is wrong and you don’t know what to do, the worst thing to do is nothing.  Parental Wisdom® respects a parent’s time and intelligence by giving them access to experts to help (you are the real expert in knowing your kids best) understand the problem and do something about it before the problem is out of control.
Sandra Beck and Robin Boyd of Motherhood Incorporated will interview Tina Nocera about her groundbreaking website and outstanding book that has helped countless parents in the raising of their children.
To learn more about Tina  check out or follower her on twitter at  She is the author of Because Kids Don’t Come With Manuals® and you can buy it at  B&N  or  Amazon.
Military Mom Talk Radio on airs on Mondays at 2pm pst on Toginet and can be downloaded directly from . Military Mom Talk Radio is co-hosted by Sandra Beck and Robin Boyd and powered by Motherhood Incorporated.

Motherhood Talk Radio Presents Lisa Kamen, Harvesting Happiness – Aug. 31

Lisa Kamen, Lisa Cypers Kamen, Harvesting Happiness, H-Factor, H-Factor Where is Your Heart?, Motherhood Talk Radio, Sandra BeckIndependent filmmaker Lisa Kamen produced the 10-minute short, “A Passage Through India—Diamonds in the Rough,” for her bachelor’s degree and used it successfully to raise funds for the Sulaxmi School for Girls in Lucknow, India, which her family now supports. While biking through Northern India, Kamen was struck by how, even in the presence of extreme poverty, the Indian people could express joy and genuine happiness. This is the genesis for Lisa’s master’s thesis in Spiritual Psychology—a documentary film she is co-creating with her nine year-old daughter, Kayla, who operates the camera. Together they explore the hypothesis that every person, regardless of socioeconomic level, age, ethnicity, career, health, or life circumstances, possesses happiness or the means to feel happy. Their endeavor to discover possibly universal keys to human happiness leads the duo on an entertaining, deeply touching documentary adventure.

Using the spontaneity of man-on-the-street style interviewing, Lisa and Kayla ask prospective interviewees to contribute their heartprint to a G-rated documentary film exploring the nature of happiness. Mother and daughter have logged hundreds of interviews to date, filming all kinds of people, each for about 60 seconds, responding to one question that elicits the essence of happiness and joy for that individual. These one-minute heartprint interviews have been filmed in diverse locales around India and in the United States including Central Park, Ground Zero, bus stations, homeless shelters, fire and police stations, schools for the deaf, independent living centers, jail, hospitals, houses of worship, a funeral home, people in commuter traffic, in lines, in labor, in escrow, and in debt—and the filming continues…

The film’s point of view is through the eyes of nine year-old Kayla. Her unique perspective—literally about four feet from the ground—means a low camera angle combines with high energy and humor. Her presence, suited up with professional camera equipment and headset, monitoring her sound levels and video, seems to soften interviewees, making their revelations especially genuine. A second camera operator captures the interchange between interviewee, Kayla, and Lisa, accentuating the multiplier effect of happiness on others.  Experts and lay people alike see ample evidence that wealth, fame, and material goods don’t produce real happiness. In “H-Factor…Where is Your Heart?” real people from all walks of life illustrate—in humorous and heartfelt ways—what does.

Motherhood Talk Radio is powered by Motherhood Incorporated, bringing you the most powerful voice in women’s issues today. Motherhood Talk Radio airs on every Tuesday, 3 pm pst, 5 pm central and 6 pm eastern.