Archive | June 13, 2009


By Shannon Penrod

I have a confession to make.  I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).  There are a very few people who know me extremely well who are thinking right now, “Yeah, what else is new?”  While the vast majority of people who know me are probably thinking, “Gee, n111621489664_8802shouldn’t her house be a lot cleaner?”  As luck would have it my particular brand of  OCD doesn’t lend itself to obsessive cleaning. 

There is a great new show on A&E called Obsessed that follows OCD sufferers as they go through a process of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  It’s a ground breaking show that airs on Monday nights at 10/9c, right after Intervention. Obsessed shows how debilitating OCD can be for some people.  It’s an important show that is gritty, real and aspires to be helpful to those with OCD.  Which is why I agreed to participate in the show as a patient. 

I can hear my friend Millie saying “Boy, you really are putting your business on the streets!”  Yes, Millie, I did and I am, and if anyone is interested they can tune in to A&E on June 22nd to watch the entire story.  If nothing else it should be interesting, and may even answer a few questions about some my “quirks”.